
Pedal Height Inspection

1.  Measure the distance from the center of the upper surface of the pedal pad to the floor covering and verify that it is as specified.


•  If not within the specification, inspect the following items and repair or replace the applicable part if there is any malfunction.
―  Power brake unit installation condition
―  Deformation of or damage to the power brake unit fork
―  Brake pedal installation condition
―  Clevis pin wear
•  If there is no malfunction in the above items, replace the brake pedal.
Brake pedal height (reference value)
136 mm {5.35 in}

Pedal Play Inspection

1.  Pump the pedal several times to release the vacuum in the power brake unit.

2.  Gently depress the pedal by hand and measure the pedal play.

•  If not within the specification, inspect the wear of the clevis pin. Replace it if there is any malfunction.
Brake pedal play
3—5 mm {0.12—0.19 in}
•  If there is no malfunction in the clevis pin, there is a possibility that the power brake unit has some malfunction. Verify that there are no malfunctions, and replace it if necessary.

Pedal-to-floor Clearance Inspection

1.  Start the engine and depress the brake pedal with a force of 147 N {15.0 kgf, 33.0 lbf}.

2.  Measure the distance from the center of the upper surface of the pedal pad to the floor covering and verify that it is as specified.


•  If it is less than the specification, inspect for air in the brake line.

Brake pedal-to-floor clearance (Brake pedal when depressed at 147 N {15.0 kgf, 33.0 lbf})
86 mm {3.4 in} or more