1. Remove the front under cover No.2. (See FRONT UNDER COVER No.2 REMOVAL/INSTALLATION.)
2. Drain the manual transaxle oil. (See MANUAL TRANSAXLE OIL REPLACEMENT [C66M-R].)
3. Disconnect the drive shaft (LH) from the manual transaxle. (See FRONT DRIVE SHAFT REMOVAL/INSTALLATION.)
4. Disconnect the drive shaft (RH) from the manual transaxle. (See FRONT DRIVE SHAFT REMOVAL/INSTALLATION.)
5. Remove the oil seal (LH).
6. Remove the oil seal (RH).
7. Using the SSTs and a hammer, install a new oil seal (LH).
8. Using the SSTs and a hammer, install a new oil seal (RH).
9. Coat the lip of each oil seal with manual transaxle oil.
10. Install the drive shaft (RH) from the manual transaxle. (See FRONT DRIVE SHAFT REMOVAL/INSTALLATION.)
11. Install the drive shaft (LH) from the manual transaxle. (See FRONT DRIVE SHAFT REMOVAL/INSTALLATION.)
12. Add the specified amount of specified manual transaxle oil. (See MANUAL TRANSAXLE OIL REPLACEMENT [C66M-R].)
13. Install the front under cover No.2. (See FRONT UNDER COVER No.2 REMOVAL/INSTALLATION.)