
CMDTC Self Test

1.  Connect the M-MDS to the DLC-2.

2.  After the vehicle is identified, select the following items from the initialization screen of the M-MDS.

(1)  Select “Self Test”.
(2)  Select “All CMDTCs”.

3.  Verify the DTC according to the directions on the screen.

•  If any DTCs are displayed, perform troubleshooting according to the corresponding DTC inspection after recording the snapshot data. (See DTC TABLE [FORWARD SENSING CAMERA (FSC)].)

4.  After completion of repairs, clear all DTCs stored in the forward sensing camera (FSC). (See CLEARING DTC [FORWARD SENSING CAMERA (FSC)].)

ODDTC Self Test

1.  Connect the M-MDS to the DLC-2.

2.  After the vehicle is identified, select the following items from the initialization screen of the M-MDS.

(1)  Select “Self Test”.
(2)  Select “Modules”.
(3)  Select “FSC”.

3.  Verify the DTC according to the directions on the screen.

•  If any DTCs are displayed, perform troubleshooting according to the corresponding DTC inspection after recording the snapshot data. (See DTC TABLE [FORWARD SENSING CAMERA (FSC)].)

4.  After completion of repairs, clear all DTCs stored in the forward sensing camera (FSC). (See CLEARING DTC [FORWARD SENSING CAMERA (FSC)].)

Snapshot Data

•  The forward sensing camera (FSC) stores the following two types of snapshot data (vehicle information) when a DTC is detected and displays them in the M-MDS.
―  Vehicle information detected by forward sensing camera (FSC)
―  Vehicle information detected by instrument cluster and received by forward sensing camera (FSC) via CAN communication
•  The data for all DTCs currently detected is stored.

—: Not applicable

Snapshot data item


Data contents

Data read/use method

Corresponding data monitor items

ECU internal temperature
Elapsed time since ignition was switched ON (engine off or on)
•  The instrument cluster records the elapsed time since the ignition was switched ON (engine off or on).
•  The forward sensing camera (FSC) constantly receives the elapsed time since the ignition was switched ON (engine off or on) sent via CAN signal from the instrument cluster.
•  If a DTC is detected, the forward sensing camera (FSC) records the elapsed time since the ignition was switched ON (engine off or on) when the DTC was detected, and it is displayed in the M-MDS.
Operation mode
Vehicle speed

*1  :The seconds may be indicated after the decimal point.