
•  To determine the malfunctioning part, proceed with the diagnostics from “Function Inspection Using M-MDS”.
•  The exhaust shutter valve cannot be removed because it is built into the middle pipe.

PID/DATA Monitor Inspection

1.  Connect the M-MDS to the DLC-2.

2.  Switch the ignition ON (engine off).

3.  Display PID EXHSHUT_ACT and simulation item EXHSHUT_DSD using the M-MDS. (See ON-BOARD DIAGNOSTIC TEST [SKYACTIV-D 1.5].)

4.  Verify that the PID EXHSHUT_ACT value conforms to the simulation item EXHSHUT_DSD value when the exhaust shutter valve opening angle (simulation item: EXHSHUT_DSD) is changed using the simulation function.

•  If the PID EXHSHUT_ACT value does not conform at all or partially, perform the resistance inspection. (See Resistance Inspection.)
•  If the PID EXHSHUT_ACT value conforms, the exhaust shutter valve is normal.

Resistance Inspection

1.  Switch the ignition OFF.

2.  Disconnect the negative battery terminal. (See NEGATIVE BATTERY CABLE DISCONNECTION/CONNECTION [SKYACTIV-D 1.5].)

3.  Disconnect the exhaust shutter valve connector. (See EXHAUST SHUTTER VALVE REMOVAL/INSTALLATION [SKYACTIV-D 1.5].)

4.  Inspect the resistance between exhaust shutter valve terminals E and F.


Exhaust shutter valve resistance (specification)
0.3—100 ohms [20 °C {68 °F}]
•  If not within the specification, replace the exhaust shutter valve actuator. (See EXHAUST SHUTTER VALVE REMOVAL/INSTALLATION [SKYACTIV-D 1.5].)
•  If within the standard and the PID EXHSHUT_ACT value does not conform partially as a result of the PID/data monitor inspection, replace the middle pipe. (See EXHAUST SYSTEM REMOVAL/INSTALLATION [SKYACTIV-D 1.5].)
•  If within the standard and the PID EXHSHUT_ACT value does not conform at all as a result of the PID/data monitor inspection, perform a visual inspection. (See Visual Inspection.)

Visual Inspection

1.  Connect the exhaust shutter valve connector. (See EXHAUST SHUTTER VALVE REMOVAL/INSTALLATION [SKYACTIV-D 1.5].)

2.  Connect the negative battery terminal. (See NEGATIVE BATTERY CABLE DISCONNECTION/CONNECTION [SKYACTIV-D 1.5].)

3.  Connect the M-MDS to the DLC-2.

4.  Switch the ignition ON (engine off).

5.  Display simulation item EXHSHUT_DSD using the M-MDS. (See ON-BOARD DIAGNOSTIC TEST [SKYACTIV-D 1.5].)

6.  With the M-MDS connected to the DLC-2, move the vehicle to the position where the exhaust shutter valve motor can be verified as shown in the following figure.


7.  Verify that the notch of the exhaust shutter valve is driven as shown in the following figure when the exhaust shutter valve opening angle (simulation item: EXHSHUT_DSD) is changed using the simulation function.


•  If the notch does not operate, replace the middle pipe. (See EXHAUST SYSTEM REMOVAL/INSTALLATION [SKYACTIV-D 1.5].)
•  If the notch operates, replace the exhaust shutter valve actuator. (See EXHAUST SHUTTER VALVE REMOVAL/INSTALLATION [SKYACTIV-D 1.5].)