Exhaust Gas Temperature Sensor No.1
Resistance inspection
1. Disconnect the negative battery cable. (See NEGATIVE BATTERY CABLE DISCONNECTION/CONNECTION [SKYACTIV-D 1.5].)
2. Remove the following parts:
3. Remove the exhaust gas temperature sensor No.1. (See EXHAUST GAS TEMPERATURE SENSOR REMOVAL/INSTALLATION [SKYACTIV-D 1.5].)
4. Place the exhaust gas temperature sensor No.1 in water with a thermometer, and heat the water gradually.
5. Measure the resistance between exhaust gas temperature sensor No.1 terminals A and B.
Water temperature (°C {°F}) |
Resistance (Kilohms) |
100 {212}
Approx. 4.51
Specification (Reference)
Exhaust Gas Temperature Sensor No.2
Resistance inspection
1. Disconnect the negative battery cable. (See NEGATIVE BATTERY CABLE DISCONNECTION/CONNECTION [SKYACTIV-D 1.5].)
2. Remove the engine cover. (See ENGINE COVER REMOVAL/INSTALLATION [SKYACTIV-D 1.5].)
3. Remove the exhaust gas temperature sensor No.2. (See EXHAUST GAS TEMPERATURE SENSOR REMOVAL/INSTALLATION [SKYACTIV-D 1.5].)
4. Place the exhaust gas temperature sensor No.2 in water with a thermometer, and heat the water gradually.
5. Measure the resistance between exhaust gas temperature sensor No.2 terminals A and B.
Water temperature (°C {°F}) |
Resistance (Kilohms) |
100 {212}
Approx. 4.51
Specification (Reference)
Exhaust Gas Temperature Sensor No.3
Resistance inspection
1. Turn the steering wheel to full right lock.
2. Disconnect the negative battery cable. (See NEGATIVE BATTERY CABLE DISCONNECTION/CONNECTION [SKYACTIV-D 1.5].)
3. Lift up the vehicle.
4. Remove the front splash shield No.1 (RH). (See SPLASH SHIELD REMOVAL/INSTALLATION.)
5. Remove the exhaust gas temperature sensor No.3. (See EXHAUST GAS TEMPERATURE SENSOR REMOVAL/INSTALLATION [SKYACTIV-D 1.5].)
6. Place the exhaust gas temperature sensor No.3 in water with a thermometer, and heat the water gradually.
7. Measure the resistance between exhaust gas temperature sensor No.3 terminals A and B.
Water temperature (°C {°F}) |
Resistance (Kilohms) |
100 {212}
Approx. 4.51
Specification (Reference)
Exhaust Gas Temperature Sensor No.4
Resistance inspection
1. Disconnect the negative battery cable. (See NEGATIVE BATTERY CABLE DISCONNECTION/CONNECTION [SKYACTIV-D 1.5].)
2. Lift up the vehicle.
3. Remove the plate (exhaust system). (See EXHAUST SYSTEM REMOVAL/INSTALLATION [SKYACTIV-D 1.5].)
4. Remove the exhaust gas temperature sensor No.4. (See EXHAUST GAS TEMPERATURE SENSOR REMOVAL/INSTALLATION [SKYACTIV-D 1.5].)
5. Place the exhaust gas temperature sensor No.4 in water with a thermometer, and heat the water gradually.
6. Measure the resistance between exhaust gas temperature sensor No.4 terminals A and B.
Water temperature (°C {°F}) |
Resistance (Kilohms) |
50 {122}
Approx. 53.27
Specification (Reference)